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貿易実務検定対策「メルマガ講義録」 通関士試験対策「メルマガ講義録」

『have butterflies in one's stomach

英語表現をパターン・プラクティス(文型練習)でマスターするドリルです。今回は(have butterflies in one's stomach「緊張してあがる」 )。英語表現を一つずつマスターして、TOEICでハイスコア― & 英検に合格して  世界に飛躍しよう!

作成日 2018.07.20


(『have butterflies in one's stomach


管 理 人:木津 隆夫 (私の英語・英会話学習法)

「合格祈願 英検・TOEIC 受験のサプリメント」(無料)
  第217号  平成30年6月11日発行より転載 例文  Tom had butterflies in his stomach when he had to introduce himself.  トムは、自己紹介をするとき、  あがって硬くなっていた。   ポイント   have butterflies in one's stomach  緊張してあがる、不安で落ち着かない   ドリル 1)例文を覚えましょう! 5回、「声に出して」言ってください。  (読みながら覚えてください!)  Tom had butterflies in his stomach  when he had to introduce himself.  Tom had butterflies in his stomach  when he had to introduce himself.  Tom had butterflies in his stomach  when he had to introduce himself.  Tom had butterflies in his stomach  when he had to introduce himself.  Tom had butterflies in his stomach  when he had to introduce himself. 2) Tom を Barbara(バーバラ)に換えると、         ↓         ↓  Barbara had butterflies in her stomach  when she had to introduce herself.   3) Barbara を   Charles(チャールズ)に換えると、         ↓         ↓  Charles had butterflies in his stomach  when he had to introduce himself.   4) 「トムは、    就職の面接で自己紹介をするとき、    いつも落ち着きがありません。」   を英語にすると;            ↓         ↓  Tom always has butterflies in his  stomach when he has to introduce  himself at job interviews. 5)Tom を I(私) に換えると、            ↓         ↓ I always have butterflies in my stomach when I have to introduce myself at job interviews. 6)I を We(私たち) に換えると、         ↓         ↓  We always have butterflies in our  stomach when we have to introduce  ourselves at job interviews. 7) 「新任の先生は、新しいカリキュラムを    校長に説明するとき、    あがって硬くなていました」    を英語にすると;         ↓ 新任の先生を、男性とすると;         ↓  The newly-appointed teacher had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to explain new  curriculum to the principal. 8)curriculum を   project(プロジェクト) に換えると、         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed teacher had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to explain new  project to the principal. 9) teacher を   manager(マネージャ) に換えると         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to explain new  project to the principal. 10)principal を    president(社長)に換えると         ↓         ↓ The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to explain new  project to the president. 11) explain を    make a speech about   (〜について話をする)    に換えると         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to make a speech  about new project to the president. 12)president を executives(重役)    に換えると、         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to make a speech  about new project to the executives. 13)to the executives を    in front of the executives    (重役の前で)    に換えると         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to make a speech about  new project in front of the executives. 14) speech を    presentation(プレゼン) に換えると、         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach when he  had to make a presentation about  new project in front of the executives. 15)executives を    journalists(報道記者) に換えると         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to make a presentation about  new project in front of the journalists. 15)new project を    food poisoning(食中毒) に換えると         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach when he  had to make a presentation about  food poisoning in front of the journalists. 16)presentation を    announcement(発表) に換えると         ↓         ↓  The newly-appointed manager had  butterflies in his stomach  when he had to make an announcement about  food poisoning in front of the journalists. 練習、お疲れ様でした。 ・・・・・・・・  今年になってから紹介したものを  まとめたページを作りました。  通勤時にスマホで  利用しやすくなったと好評です:  ドリル「英語表現をマスターしよう!」  参考:『英字新聞から単語を増やそう!』 ・・・・・・・・ このページも ドリル「英語表現をマスターしよう!」 にまとめていくつもりです。 ご活用いただければ幸いです。 スクールきづ(HP)に戻る。 参考:英語学習法:パターン・プラクティス 「ご参考:無料で読める英字新聞」




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